So lets see... when I last posted I believe I was going to be going to the Rheumy for the first time after scheduling conflicts due to her not feeling well. Well, the visit went fantastic and I really like her. She spent about 20-25min with me face to face asking about current and past symptoms and it seemed she was really taking everything I was saying with heart. She then had me get up on the exam table (I was able to sit in a normal chair before that!) and she did the fibro pressure points and confirmed my GP (general practitioner)'s suspicion of Fibromyalgia. She then looked over my labs from my GP and said while I definitely have something going on, she is not so sure it's lupus. Apparently a positive ANA is not a definite lupus test, it just means I have anti-nuclear antibodies that are doing something terrible to my body.
So, more blood tests were ordered and a chest x-ray was ordered as well since she wanted to rule out all possible things for my stabbing chest pain. I still feel like it's most likely just inflammation of the pericardial sac and I can't really do anything about it until we get the inflammation under control but I guess we'll find out soon.
In other good news, I started taking a daily dose of Gabapentin (Neurontin) after my last Rheumy appointment and it seems to be helping. I am still in quite a bit of pain every day but it's helping me move around a lot better and get shit done. Which was helpful since I killed myself for a week cleaning house and then half killed myself the next week because of having company over. I know I've been way overdoing it and it's catching up to me now, but hey, things will even out.. right? >.>
So like I mentioned before, I will be finding out the results of my tests this week, tomorrow (Thursday) actually, and we will hopefully be closer to an answer. Depending on what she says tomorrow, I may wanna ask to have an MRI done to test for MS. We'll see. Friday I go to my GP just for a blood draw (not a real visit) to see how my vit D levels are doing. For 2 months now I've been taking 50,000IUs of Vit D a week and I don't have any clue if its been working or not. We'll see on this as well!
So like I mentioned before, I will be finding out the results of my tests this week, tomorrow (Thursday) actually, and we will hopefully be closer to an answer. Depending on what she says tomorrow, I may wanna ask to have an MRI done to test for MS. We'll see. Friday I go to my GP just for a blood draw (not a real visit) to see how my vit D levels are doing. For 2 months now I've been taking 50,000IUs of Vit D a week and I don't have any clue if its been working or not. We'll see on this as well!
I'm off to shower, then do some laundry and catch up on my shows on the DVR since I haven't had a chance the last couple weeks. I have a couple of guilty pleasure shows I only watch when no one is around. *grin* Later I'll pick up M from work and we'll continue leveling his rogue and my paladin through Uldum and Twilight Highlands. Oh.. didn't mention I played WoW? Well.. I do.. but more on that later.
And two.. err.. thing more things! I'm working on two projects right now that are super eco friendly. One involves Tazo's Passionfruit tea bags and the other involves all my empty pill bottles. Gonna get crafty in here soon!
Also, shower crayons, these sound AMAZING for my short term memory (fibro fog) issues. I will be getting some tomorrow.
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